Legal notice

We inform you that the content of this website (hereinafter, the “Web”) belongs to CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. with registered office at C/ LEPANTO, 49. 08223 TERRASSA Spain and registered number B-60451499. El presente aviso legal regula las condiciones de uso del citado portal de Internet.

Legal Information

Con carácter general las relaciones entre CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. y los usuarios de sus servicios telemáticos, presentes en la web, se encuentran sometidas a la legislación y jurisdicción españolas.

Las partes renuncian expresamente al fuero que les pudiera corresponder y someten expresamente a los Juzgados y Tribunales de Martorelles para resolver cualquier controversia que pueda surgir en la interpretación o ejecución de las presentes condiciones contractuales.

User Acceptance

This Legal Notice regulates access to and use of the website that CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. makes available to Internet users. Se considera usuario la persona que acceda, navegue, utilice o participe en los servicios y actividades de la página web.

The user is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with CIRPROTEC, S.L.U.

Therefore, access to it implies the acquisition of the condition of user and the acceptance of the conditions of use of the website. In the event of disagreement with the conditions, the user should abstain from using the website.

Acceso a la web

El acceso a la página web por parte de los usuarios es de carácter libre y gratuito. Algunos servicios pueden encontrarse sujetos a contratación previa del servicio.

En caso de ser necesario que el usuario aporte datos personales para acceder a alguno de los servicios, la recogida y el tratamiento de los datos se realizará de conformidad con la normativa vigente, en concreto con el RGPD. Para más información, consulte nuestra política de privacidad.

Content and Use

The user’s visit to the website should be made in a responsible manner and in accordance with current legislation, good faith, this Legal Notice and respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by CIRPROTEC, S.L.U.

The use of any of the contents of the website for purposes that are or could be illicit is totally prohibited, as well as causing any damage or alterations of any type not consented by CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. to the website or its contents.

The owner of the website does not identify himself with the opinions expressed therein by his collaborators. The company reserves the right to modify, discontinue or terminate the Site, Web Services, Data and Third Party Data or to modify this Agreement, any time and without prior notice.

Intellectual and industrial property policy

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights relating to its website and social networks. All site, product and services content as text, graphic designs, user interfaces, trademarks or computer codes that are part of are exclusive property of CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. Their reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity carried out with the contents is prohibited, not even if the sources are mentioned, except with the prior, express and written consent of CIRPROTEC, S.L.U.

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. does not grant any kind of authorisation to use its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other property or right related to the website, and in no case shall it be understood that access and browsing by users implies a waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial cession of said rights on the part of CIRPROTEC, S.L.U.

Any use of these contents not previously authorised by Mecatres Vallès, S.L. will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights and will give rise to the legally established responsibilities. CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. reserves the right to exercise the corresponding judicial and extrajudicial actions against the user.

Warranties & limitation of liability

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. declares that it has adopted the necessary measures which, within its possibilities and the state of the technology, allow the correct functioning of the website as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. cannot be held responsible for the following situations listed by way of illustration, but not limitation:

  • The continuity and availability of the contents.
  • The absence of errors in such content or the correction of any defect that may occur.
  • The absence of viruses and/or other harmful components.
  • Damages caused by any person who violates CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. security systems.
  • The use that the users can make of the contents included in the web. Consequently, CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. does not guarantee that the use that users may make of the contents included in the website, if any, comply with this legal notice, nor that the use of the website is carried out in a diligent manner.
  • The use by minors of the website or the sending of their personal data without the permission of their tutors, the tutors being responsible for the use they make of the Internet.
  • The contents to which the user can access through unauthorized links or introduced by users through comments or similar tools.
  • The introduction of erroneous data by the user or a third party.

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. may temporarily suspend, without prior notice, accessibility to the website for the purposes of maintenance, repair, updating or improvement operations. However, whenever circumstances permit, CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. shall inform the user, sufficiently in advance, of the date foreseen for the suspension of the contents.

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. undertakes to eliminate or, where appropriate, block the contents that could affect or be contrary to current legislation, the rights of third parties or public order and morality.


CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. utiliza cookies, a los efectos de optimizar y personalizar su navegación por el sitio web. Las cookies son ficheros físicos de información que se alojan en el propio terminal del usuario, la información recogida mediante las cookies sirve para facilitar la navegación del usuario por el portal y optimizar la experiencia de navegación. Los datos recopilados mediante las cookies pueden ser compartidos con los creadores de las mismas, pero en ningún caso la información obtenida por las mismas será asociada a datos personales ni a datos que puedan identificar al usuario.

Sin embargo, si el usuario no desea que se instalen cookies en su disco duro, tiene la posibilidad de configurar el navegador de tal modo que impida la instalación de estos archivos. Para obtener más información consulte nuestra Política de Cookies

Links policy

La presencia de enlaces (links) en la página web de CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. hacia otros sitios de Internet tiene finalidad meramente informativa y en ningún caso suponen sugerencia, invitación o recomendación sobre los mismos. CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. no asumirá responsabilidad por los contenidos de un enlace perteneciente a un sitio web ajeno, ni garantizará la fiabilidad, exactitud, amplitud, veracidad, validez y disponibilidad técnica.

En el caso de que en otros sitios web se establezcan enlaces a la página web de CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. no se entenderá que CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. ha autorizado el enlace o el contenido del sitio web en el que se contiene el enlace, tampoco podrá incluirse en la página del enlace contenidos inapropiados, difamatorios, ilegales, obscenos o ilícitos, ni otros contenidos que sean contrarios a la legalidad vigente.

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. se reserva la posibilidad de contactar con el propietario del sitio web en el que se establezca el enlace si considera que se incumple la normativa, así como de ejercitar las correspondientes acciones judiciales y extrajudiciales.

Reservation of the right to modify this legal notice

CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. reserves the right to modify this legal notice in order to adapt it to any change of the regulations, for technical reasons, for changes in the services offered by CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. or for strategic decisions of the company. In these cases, CIRPROTEC, S.L.U. will notify you about the changes to the terms and conditions through the Website. If the user is not satisfied with the changes, he or she must stop using the website. The use of the website after the changes have been made will imply acceptance of the changes by the Users.